Sunday, 10 December 2017

By Not Engaging any Indian Web Companies to Build or Edit a Website you will PAY !!!

False Economies Will Cost You , Use U.K. Based Web Pro's

First and most importantly my current site is definitely not the one built by Indian con men at brandnetizen who now call themselves AO2 we and technology from Kolkata , this business is full of con men they will not do as promised and I wasted a full year waiting if it wasn't for a good already established customer base they would have sent me under not to mention G+ local listings for business and paid for traffic , kept me ticking over should have backlog of work by now with original site my friend and I built together and he hosted .
This is the best part after a year with a poorly ranking site that brandnetizen had built they sent me another fishing email from their new name about the site that they had built , all along i had a site that worked and ranked all I needed was social media links on it site map and to be tablet and mobile friendly and for this I really did pay with untold lost business I'm going to make it my life's work to ruin these people where ever they may try to hide , so remember keep your web business local so you can get your hands on them if need be .
This is not my usual Blogger subject but it is a Problem and taking this advice will save you money , so please share this with as many circles and people possible so not a single person will use a foriegn web based business ,
Regards ,
Craig .

P.s. this site link is for a quality site built by Gordon Cocks of Gic web.